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本网站可能包含声明, 估计或预测构成, “前瞻性陈述”的定义,根据美国法律.S. 联邦证券法. 一般, “相信”这几个字,”“希望,”“意愿,”“估计,”“预测,”“项目,“将”及类似表达为前瞻性陈述, 它们通常不是历史性质的. Forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from 足彩外围网站’s historical experience and its present expectations or projections. These risks are discussed in 足彩外围网站’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), 包括10-K表格的年度报告, 哪些文件可以从SEC获得. 您不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述, 它们只说它们制作的日期. 足彩外围网站不承担公开更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述的义务.
California’s Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 requires that manufacturers and retailers doing business in California disclose on their websites the steps that they have taken against the use of human trafficking in their supply chains. 足彩外围网站 is unconditionally opposed to human trafficking and believes that all workers have the right to freely choose employment, 人道待遇和没有骚扰和非法歧视的工作场所. 因此, 足彩外围网站 expects its suppliers to equally act as responsible corporate citizens and to take their own affirmative actions to protect the rights of their workers against human trafficking. 来强化这些信念, 足彩外围网站 has adopted various policies with respect to its supply chain to help 足彩外围网站 assess and audit its suppliers and 足彩外围网站 expects suppliers to be honest, forthright and transparent in the questions and information solicited by 足彩外围网站 in its vetting of suppliers. 这些政策有助于足彩外围网站在其供应链的以下关键领域:
- Awareness – Informing our suppliers of the importance of the issue of human trafficking and that it is an issue which 足彩外围网站 takes very seriously.
- Audits – Conducting on-site audits of 足彩外围网站 suppliers to confirm their compliance with 足彩外围网站’s standards and requirements.
- 认证 – Requiring 足彩外围网站’s suppliers to certify that they are complying with all applicable laws including, 但不限于, 反贿赂, 劳动, 就业和安全法.
- 教育——教育相关的足彩外围网站员工, consultants and management by providing training on human trafficking and slavery in the supply chain and other topics relevant to supplier social responsibility.
- Employee Accountability – Maintaining strict accountability standards and procedures to ensure that 足彩外围网站 employees and consultants comply with all applicable laws and 足彩外围网站’s policies regarding human trafficking.
足彩外围网站的商业原则将继续发展并适应不断变化的世界, 同时继续致力于反对人口贩运. 当我们采用新的流程和政策时,我们将更新本网站.
足彩外围网站’s Statement of Principles on Child Labor and Forced Labor is based on International Labor Organization (ILO) conventions and national laws, 并认识到地域和文化差异. 它重申了足彩外围网站继续在全球范围内承诺将就业限制在15岁或以上, 或者当地的最低就业年龄, 或者法定上学年龄, 取较高者. Our policy also includes an explicit ban on the use of any forced 劳动 or exploitative working conditions.
我们将此政策告知我们的直接供应商, 持牌人及合资企业, and we include a clear contractual obligation to meet these requirements as an ongoing condition of our business relationship. We believe that promoting fair and appropriate employment at 足彩外围网站 and within our supply chains is a
尽管如此, 足彩外围网站 recognizes the disturbing fact that child 劳动 and forced 劳动 remain significant problems in many parts of the world. 社会 and economic conditions can fuel this problem and government capacity to address it may be limited, 尤其是在欠发达国家. 全球原材料供应链, 包括一些与我们业务相关的农产品, 会很长很复杂吗, reducing our potential influence and adding further hurdles to the challenge of understanding and effectively addressing issues that may exist.
尽管这个问题很困难, 然而, we are committed to playing a positive role in helping society to eliminate exploitative child and forced 劳动. 这就是为什么我们也在与其他国家合作, 包括供应商, 行业组织, 公共利益团体和政府, 解决与我们的全球供应链相关的劳动力市场可能存在的滥用问题. 我们不能单独解决这个问题, 而是通过与他人合作, 我们相信我们可以有所作为.
足彩外围网站 strongly believes it has the responsibility to engage in employment practices that meet the highest legal and ethical standards. Nowhere is this responsibility more important than in the company’s policies governing the minimum age and working conditions of its own employees and the employees of its suppliers. 足彩外围网站 has developed this Statement of Principles on Child and Forced Labor as an expression of its own commitment and the expectations we have for suppliers worldwide. 除了, we strongly encourage our suppliers to require their own suppliers to adhere to these Principles as well. 足彩外围网站将继续努力使这些原则尽可能具有相关性和有效性. 为此目的,我们可能会不时修订这些原则.
A. 足彩外围网站的自营业务
足彩外围网站 does not engage in or condone the unlawful employment or exploitation of children in the workplace or the use of forced 劳动. 根据国际劳工组织(ILO)的公约和国家法律, 足彩外围网站将限制雇佣年龄在15岁以上的人, 或者当地的最低就业年龄, 或者强制入学年龄, 取较高者. 此外, 所有足彩外围网站雇佣的临时工, 以及所有在足彩外围网站场所工作的第三方雇佣工人, 应满足这些最低要求. 足彩外围网站还明确禁止使用强迫劳动.e.指工人在受到处罚威胁的情况下非自愿从事的任何工作或服务.
B. 足彩外围网站的供应商
足彩外围网站 will not tolerate the use of unlawful child 劳动 or forced 劳动 in the manufacture of products it sells and will not accept products or services from suppliers, subcontractors or business partners (collectively referred to as “供应商”) that employ or utilize child 劳动 or forced 劳动 in any manner. 足彩外围网站的供应商 shall not employ or utilize in any manner any individual below the minimum employment age set by national law or by ILO Convention 138, 取较高者. ILO Convention 138 provides that the minimum employment age should be not less than the mandatory schooling age of the country in which the individual is employed and, 无论如何, 不少于15年(某些发展中国家除外), (如最低年龄为14岁), 除劳工组织和国家法律所允许的例外情况外.